Partners, Support & Direction
The Living Bog is a partnership project between the EU LIFE Programme and the Department of Housing, Heritage and Local Government’s National Parks and Wildlife Service. Overall, the project was managed – and the project actions are being implemented – by a five-person Project Team based in Mullingar, in the heart of the Irish midlands. The Project Team are under the direction of a larger Project Steering Group, representing Irish Govt, local communities, NGOs and other stakeholders. Additional expert advice on implementing the project actions is available through the Stakeholder Advisory Group and Technical Advisory Group.
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage

The National Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of Housing, Heritage and Local Government under Minister of State Malcolm Noonan TD is the Coordinating Beneficiary on the project and provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in Ireland, and oversees its implementation.
The Department will:
• Coordinate delivery of the Living Bog contract and support the technical and administrative processes;
• To secure the conservation of a representative range of ecosystems and maintain and enhance populations of flora and fauna in Ireland;
• To designate and manage Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in accordance with the EU Habitats and Birds Directives;
• To designate and advise on the protection of Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) having particular regard to the need to consult with interested parties;
• To make the necessary arrangements for the implementation of National and EU legislation and policies and for the ratification and implementation of the range of international Conventions and Agreements relating to the natural heritage;
• To manage, maintain and develop State-owned National Parks and Nature Reserves;
• To control activities that may harm or threaten habitats or species;
• To develop knowledge by research;
• To survey and monitor habitats and species of conservation value;
• To disseminate information and increase awareness of natural heritage;
• To provide advice on natural heritage and biodiversity to other authorities.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service has extensive experience in the area of the proposed project, and has also lead or participated in a considerable number of previous LIFE projects, including two previous bog restoration projects undertaken by the Irish Forestry Service, Coillte. (LIFE 04 NAT/IE/000121 and LIFE02 NAT/IRL/8490)
Further information can be found or
Project Steering Group
Stakeholder Advisory Group