Moyclare Bog Local and Community
This page belongs to the communities surrounding Moyclare Bog. Whether you are a local community group, heritage group, men’s shed, drama group, play group, school, or a sporting organisation, this section of the Living Bog site is for you.
This is an area of Ireland where even the smallest local story or photograph could make a big impact. What may be ordinary to you, is extraordinary to others. What you might not think is interesting could be of huge value to someone else. Stories, such as those on our Carrowbehy and Killyconny pages, about the turf-cutting days, local folklore and local stories are needed to build up a truly national picture of our bogs.
If you have a community web presence, or newsletter or information sheet you’d like to see reach a wider audience, don’t hesitate to let us know and it will go up on this site. Contact us via Email:
We will also link to interesting people and events in the areas surrounding this raised bog. We also wish to highlight the traditions associated with turf in this area. Whilst this project is about restoring a number of raised bogs, we want to celebrate everything to do with bogs, past present and future, so if you have stories and memories of days on the bog, please let us know and we’ll share them.