Portach Áitiúil agus Pobail an Ráithín Mhóir
This page belongs to the communities surrounding Raheenmore Bog. Whether you are a local community group, heritage group, a men’s shed, drama group, play group, school, or a sporting organisation, this section of the Raheenmore site is for you.
Stories and history from the area is currently being compiled by our Public Awareness Manager, Ronan Casey. If you have any interesting stories, photos, information or anything concerning Raheenmore Bog and its environs, please email ronan.casey@npws.gov.ie or call him on 076 1002627.
This is an area of Ireland where even the smallest local story or photograph could make a big impact.
If you have a community web presence, or newsletter or information sheet you’d like to see reach a wider audience, don’t hesitate to let Ronan know and it will go up on this site.
We will also link to interesting people and events in the areas surrounding this raised bog.
For example, the noted Irish historian and author Turtle Bunbury has been in the area many times, recording the stories and recollections of old Ireland. In Volume 3 of his best-selling VANISHING IRELAND series of books features a great interview with local farmer Mike Harte, who sadly passed away in 2015.

The late Mike Harte, interviewed by Turtle Bunbury for his ‘Vanishing Ireland’ series
You can access the interview HERE