Welcome to The Living Bog
Welcome to the ‘The Living Bog’ – the largest single raised bog restoration project ever undertaken in Ireland.
12 of Ireland’s unique raised bog SAC’s in seven counties will be brought back to life between 2016 – 2021, with additional works being undertaken on a further two bogs. Restoration work on these Natura 2000 sites will improve over 2,600 hectares of threatened raised bog habitat – the equivalent of over 7,000 Croke Parks and 18% of the national high bog area.
It is estimated there has been a 99% loss of the original area of actively growing raised bog in Ireland’s mnidlands. What little remains is in need of restoration and conservation. Thanks to this five year project, which has been made possible by the EU LIFE Nature and Biodiversity Fund, together with assistance from the National Parks and Wildlife Service at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage the Living Bog will again become a reality…

Carrowbehy / Caher Bog
Co. Roscommon
Carrownagappul Bog
Co. Galway
Clara Bog
Co. Offaly
Derrinea Bog
Co. Roscommon
Ferbane Bog
Co. Offaly
Garriskil Bog
Co. Westmeath
Killyconny Bog
Co. Cavan
Mongan Bog
Co. Offaly
Moyclare Bog
Co. Offaly
Raheenmore Bog
Co. Offaly